Preservation and potential

With a diverse portfolio of timber and environmental assets, Domain provides investors with an opportunity to access or expand holdings in natural resources to achieve diversification goals, while hedging inflation.

With specialized experience in natural resources, we believe that natural resources can provide excellent opportunities for appealing risk-adjusted returns, primarily due to lower return volatility and low correlation with other asset classes. Returns aren’t the only attraction. Timberlands’ intrinsic and proven long-term ability to preserve capital by historically tracking the consumer-price index, serves as an effective inflation hedge.

With flexible capital structures and tailored investment solutions, Domain investment services are guided by an integrated investment approach and long-term, meaningful partnerships.

Domain believes we have a competitive edge throughout the investment process, from deal sourcing and resource management to disposition. We understand how to identify underperforming assets, manage resources to maximize potential, and deliver value, while balancing the financial goals of investors with the desire to preserve our resources for future generations.

Partnerships that perform.
That’s our domain.

Our Natural Domain


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Our Natural Domain


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Headquartered in Atlanta, Domain Timber currently manages over 245,000 acres located in the major timber production regions in the United States.


Disciplined Investment Focus

Domain Timber employs a well-defined timberland investment strategy. Our strategy is focused on the acquisition, management and disposition of properties located in the major timber regions of the United States which typically meet a certain set of criteria, including:

  • Smaller, non-contiguous properties, generally within the 2,000 to 30,000 acre size range
  • Significant biological growth and income potential
  • Diversified by geography, botanical species and age to reduce risk and enhance liquidity
  • Potential for value creation from an active, opportunistic and sustainable management regime
  • Investments in markets with strong or growing demand and micro-market conditions


We believe our detailed modeling and valuation processes are proven and time tested. Domain Timber uses its network to source opportunistic deals and then applies a modern portfolio theory investment style, designed to reduce risk, enhance returns and create a well-diversified portfolio for our investors.

Land Management

Land management is primarily focused on silvicultural practices to maximize growth rates and compound returns from asset class movements. Timber sales strive to capture periods of relative pricing strength in the local sub-markets. In addition, our regional foresters evaluate each parcel for value-added opportunities, such as road and bridge construction, easements, maple taps, and hunting leases that further enhance the overall value.


Domain Timber identifies one or more exit strategies for each parcel at acquisition, adjusts strategies as conditions require, and manages the properties accordingly with the aim to capture highest and best use. The management plan focuses on creating the most desirable property for the target market at disposition. Commencing property enhancement projects early in the holding period allows sufficient time for the implementation of the full plan prior to disposition, allowing our investors to obtain the most value out of the investment.

Forest Stewardship

Sustainable forestry entails the management of forests to meet the needs of the present, without compromising future generations. At Domain Timber, we thoroughly understand and strongly support the idea that we must manage our forestland investments in such a way as to balance our investors’ financial goals with the need and desire to preserve our forestlands for future generations.

Precision processes and
partnership at every level

Through a diverse portfolio of natural resource investments, Domain attempts to mitigate risk through upfront planning, meticulous due diligence, on the ground field work, pragmatic transaction structuring, and conscientious supervision throughout the duration of each investment.

Domain’s investment process begins with listening and fully understanding the client’s investment objectives. This allows us to develop a portfolio and risk management strategy that meets your individual needs. We then provide comprehensive and customizable services throughout the investment lifecycle. We strive to anticipate issues and enact solutions that benefit our client.

Natural Resource Advantage

Historically, adding certain natural resources to a well-diversified portfolio serves to dampen inflation risk, improve portfolio efficiency, access stable bond-like yields and participate in equity-like appreciation. This asset class emphasizes the long-term, stable inflation-adjusted income and current yield that can be accretive through various economic cycles.

inflation hedge
with most
other asset
impact on our